one word reviews of Movies and TV

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Not So Simplistic Review: Blackkklansman

The simple answer; yes, "Blackkklanssman" is very very good. The more complicated thing about Spike Lee's latest is why in 2018, over 160 years after emancipation and over 75 years after World War II and The Holocaust, are we still as fractured as ever? Why are we dooming to repeat the same mistakes generation after generation and why are we choosing to elect politicians on the confidence of making things great again and essentially saying, "If It Ain't White, It Ain't Right." Why are we still at this point in America, or should I say, why did we try and decide to make some progress and immediately decide to go back to pre-Civil Rights America? I have no clue...

Probably his best outing since "Inside Man" Lee, with a little help from Jordan Peele, has crafted a film that is filled with humor, horror, tension, and necessary evil. No punches are pulled in "Blackkklansman" and while you'll be laughing one minute, you'll be scratching your head and on the verge of tears, filled with dread at the thought that only a year ago we witnessed the horror of Charlottesville, and I'm not just talking about white guys with bad haircuts equipped with tiki torches spouting off racist epitaphs, but just how little we've learned and how far we've sunk as a society. I'm white and Jewish, and sad about where we are right now. This is something we all have to FACE.

"Blackkklansman" is not only a film to watch, but also experience for expressing the current zeitgeist we are all going through. From "Do the Right Thing" to now, Spike Lee has created something timely, important, and horrific. FACE it, you need to watch this.


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