one word reviews of Movies and TV

Monday, September 17, 2018

A Simplistic Review: The Predator (2018)

"The Predator" is probably going down as the biggest and dumbest film of 2018. But does that mean it's bad? Well....yes and no. As part of the "Predator" mythos it works because you see things from the first two films including the spawn of Keyes as Gary Busey...and,...

Saturday, September 15, 2018

A Simplistic Review: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

I just came to the realization that for a long time I've been getting Martin Campbell and Kevin Reynolds confused for a long time. They seem to travel in similar circles and have the same sordid film career that features maybe 1-2 good ones, and a lot of stinkers....

Monday, September 10, 2018

(Ep. 110): The Simplistic Reviews Podcast: September 2018

The Simplistic Reviews Podcast is back from our August break and raring to go. And since we thought the show could use more of a fangirl touch, we got the biggest and best fangirl of them all, Jeanette Ward from The Mundane Adventures Of A Fangirl. And as gracious hosts, we immediately put Ms. Ward in the hot seat during another edition of Questions...

A Simplistic Review: Heathers

The 80s and early 90s were an odd time. It seemed like you could get away with doing and saying anything despite the fact we were living in the middle of "Say No to Drugs" and a total PC-culture ruled by Reganomics, the fear of AIDS, and it just being an all...

A Simplistic Review: Back to School

Thanks to Netflix, me cutting the cord, and various other streaming services, I've had some time to catch up on a plethora of screwball comedies from the late 70s and into the 80s. And I've come to a conclusion; most of them aren't very good, or I should rephrase...

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

(Ep. 109): Killing American Style - Movie Commentary: September 2018

Killing American style 1990 ‧ Thriller/Action ‧ 1h 30m Well it's not Samurai Cop... Welcome back to the Simplistic Reviews Movie Commentary! Today we pop in another Amir Shervan film, Killing American Style. It's the 80's and of course...

Analysis This

Analysis This is a solid film that delivers something not really seen in theaters these days, character driven comedy. It’s a satisfying picture directed by Harold Ramis with Billy Crystal and Robert De Niro showing us what we miss. ...

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