one word reviews of Movies and TV

Friday, March 22, 2019

A Simplistic Review: Inside Llewyn Davis

I think I like being the guy that checks out movies anywhere between 3-6 years after they come out and are heaped praise by any and all movie critics; I'm TARDY if you will. But gee golly did I enjoy "Inside Llewyn Davis."

Oscar Issac is fun playing the down-on-his-luck, struggling folk singer in 1960s New York, where he is always just one step behind. Of course, I don't know the plight of folk singers in the 60s around the Greenwich Village neighborhood in Manhattan, but I can imagine the bohemian lifestyle.

What the Coen Brothers do here that is so special is that while there is a ton of music, and great music at that, it shows a stark contrast to what life is like when you come off the stage. Infidelity, unwanted pregnancies, lost cats, hanging out with dope fiends, and of course getting punched in the face by the husband of the person you heckled on stage.

As as whole, "Davis" is great, but man, it's pitch black comedy, but what else would you expect from the Coens.


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