one word reviews of Movies and TV

Thursday, February 23, 2017

1999-2017: Here Lies The IMDB Message Boards

I think it's fair to surmise that we will all be less of a human race without the highly-vaunted IMDB Message Boards. It's where we all learned about film; which films sucked, which ones were awesome, why Anne Hathaway is the worst actress ever, oh wait, that's just me of course.


After years and years of some of the most mundane and asinine conversations in Internet history, it's all done. It's gone. Some of the most notorious Internet conversations have been taken down as the IMDB Message Boards have officially signed off for the last time on February 20th 2017.

Now...why is this so important. Well, it's not, but at the same time, it's an interesting decision by a huge website to erase years and years of comments. Sure, most of the message board fodder was nonsense and nothing you would take serious in anyway, but the bigger question is whether this is merely the beginning of the downfalls of message boards and comment sections online.

As it stands now, several videos on YouTube, especially ones that might be a little edgy or too open to debate, block their comments and only allow comments. Yes, we all get it, people make mean comments and the trolling can be downright ridiculous, but isn't that simply what the Internet has turned into; a swath of trolls, flamers, and clickbaiters?

Now according to IMDB they will be replacing their message boards with something better in 2017, but where do you go beyond message boards. I mean you already Twitter and in this Millennial generation, most of people's attention span is gone even before 140-characters. With that being said, this post has probably already lost the reader's interest. Now commence to level four-letter words my way, tell me who you remind me of, and how I ruin every film that I've ever starred in.


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