one word reviews of Movies and TV

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Simplistic Sneak Peek Ep. 7

FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY On this episode of Simplistic Sneak Peek, the boys take a look at three trailers with dark subject matter and one trailer a bit on the lighter side.  During which time, Matt shows off his Terry Gilliam impersonation(s), while Justin and DJ touch...

Friday, July 25, 2014

Early Returns: The Expendables 3

The Expendables 3: Bloated On one hand The Expendables 3 is a bloated mess that does nothing to earn your money nor time.  We have nothing but a shit ton of yesterday's great actors thrown into a film where they will not be used accordingly.  The...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Boarding the Hype Train: Snowpiercer

POLARIZING Snowpiercer - Polarizing I'm really not one to buy into hype. I know what I like and while I do seek out films that peak my interest, I seldom bow down to conformity and buy into things that people universally say is good. Namely, I don't like...

They Came Together

They Came Together: Horrible I Justin Polizzi have decided to Kill Myself, This is my last will and testament. Why? Because I watched this film, I don't wanna live anymore. ----- 83 mins before the suicide ----- So one moment I'm trying to pick a film to...

Monday, July 14, 2014

Comic-Con Sneak Peek: Constantine

DRAWN  Constantine - Drawn What? Another comic book property that is being visualized on the small screen? As if all of the big-screen adaptations aren't enough. I know this review already sounds pessimistic, and why shouldn't it be, I mean, this is...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Simplistic Sneak Peek Ep. 6

FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY On this episode of Simplistic Sneak Peek, the boys get a glimpse of two films starring two different Batmen and a TV movie sequel about a shark apocalypse.  Well, I guess all three films deal with some kind of cataclysmic event.  Christian Bale deals with frogs and locusts falling from the sky in Exodus, Ian...

Comic-Con Sneak Peek: The Flash...And By Default, Arrow...Um...And Inexplicably Smallville (DJ's Take)

PROGRESS I was never a big fan of Smallville.  Sure, it had its own huge following, but it was never really a Superman for me.  It always felt like the perpetual meanderings of a soon-to-be hero before becoming the Man Of Steel I grew love. ...

Comic-Con Sneak Peek: The Flash (Justin's take)

The Flash: Fun This is a tough review to do. On one hand we where going to wait till the premiere date in October. With the leak of the pilot a lot of sites decided to just post their reviews online right away.  And the other makes it tough to have...

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes

QUALITY I've come to the conclusion that the people I work with typically hate action films, comic book movies, and anything sci-fi related that doesn't have the name Kubrick attached to it.  Oh, not here at Simplistic Reviews.  Justin, Matt and Neal...

Monday, July 7, 2014

SR Podcast (Ep. 27): July 2014 - Lethal Weapon 2 - Movie Commentary

FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY Alright folks, it's time to dust off your flannel, feather your mullet and bust out the VCR again because it's time for another Simplistic Reviews Movie Commentary. We return to 1989 with another classic; "Lethal Weapon 2." The sequel to another classic,"Lethal Wepon," "Weapon 2" pretty much ups the ante over it's predecessor...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Simply Indie: Pizza Shop: The Movie

HOMAGE  Pizza Shop: The Movie - Homage Unlike most films, I've always believed that comedy is the hardest genre to make work for an audience. Comedy is extremely subjective and what one person might find funny another person will not find funny at...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Simplistic Reviews Podcast (Ep. 26): June 2014

 FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY The end of June brings another edition of the Simplistic Reviews Podcast.  This month the boys discuss Batman's out of control property damage, play a game of Word Association, berate Chelsea Handler, swoon rather uncomfortably over Fargo, Godzilla's tail and Eva Green, then promote the Patrick Dempsey 80s...

Simply TV: The Leftovers

AGAIN The Leftovers - Again Whenever there is a new show premiering on HBO it always seems to be an event. One, their marketing team could make a show about a misplaced sponge seem interesting and the fact that TV has pretty much overtaken film as the medium...

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