one word reviews of Movies and TV

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Simply Donate: The Art of Elysium

To keep the love rolling as we approach the end of February, we want to prove that we aren't always jerks and help give something back.  The Art of Elysium, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of artists and critically ill children...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Simply Indie: Wild Girl Waltz

SIMPLER Wild Girl Waltz - Simpler There is an alarming trend in films recently; the lack of comedies with characters hanging out and getting into trouble.  From "Smokey and the Bandit" to "Road Trip" the concept of driving around and getting into mischief...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Simplistic Reviews Podcast: February 2014 Edition

In a desperate attempt to gain some respectability, The Simplistic Reviews Podcast has on special guest from Insession Film, JD Duran.  But in only twenty minutes, the boys corrupt this once reputable man to the point where he is setting fire to the...

DJ Simply Loves Robert Downey Jr.: Sherlock Holmes

PULSE After Robert Downey Jr. put comic book films back on the map with Iron Man, I was thoroughly on the RDJ train.  Then I heard what his next big film role was going to be.  Another super genius with substance abuse issues.  A character...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The LEGO Movie

INSPIRED The LEGO Movie - Inspired The magic of movies, at least for me, is where a film can take me back to a time in my life where I was happiest and made me feel joy.  It's important that a filmmaker(s) be able to connect with an audience at not only...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Simply Anime: Kill la Kill

SHARP Once again Simply Anime is BACK with another healthy does of animated goodness. Your featured show this time is Kill la Kill. This has been a show that I've been meaning to watch for a while but procrastinated on starting because, I can be a slacker...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Matt Simply Loves Anna Kendrick: Rapture-Palooza

EXERCISE Rapture-Palooza -Exercise They say in love that you have to love someone completely.  It's one of those rules that greeting card companies made up so many years ago.  Despite my surly demeanor most of the time, I sincerely subscribe to this...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Matt Simply Loves Anna Kendrick: Pitch Perfect

GUILTY Pitch Perfect - Guilty I'm really going to put myself out there with who I love this month. I could be cliche and pick an actor the likes of Mike Ruffalo (who I still might) or perhaps even Joaquin Phoenix, but I'm singing the praises, fittingly enough,...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

DJ Simply Loves Robert Downey Jr.: Iron Man

REBIRTH This is it.  This is the movie.  This is the actor.  This is the moment.  Before the recent meteoric rise of Matthew McConaughey and before comic book movies became the most unstoppable form of genre films in Hollywood, there was...

Simplistic TV: Looking

DIFFERENT Looking - Different HBO has a long history of inclusion with the gay community.  From shows like "Six Feet Under" and "True Blood," to taking on the AIDS crisis with films like "And the Band Played On," and "Angels in America."  Home Box...

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