one word reviews of Movies and TV

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Simplistic Reviews Podcast: The 2013 End of the Year Blowout Spectacular Jimmy - Jam

In the blink of an eye, 2013 is over and we look towards 2014 here on The Simplistic Reviews Podcast.  In this special edition of The Podcast, DJ, Justin, Matt, and Neal give their two-cents on the best and worst of the year in film and TV, and I'm sure...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Let's Get Real: Blackfish

Blackfish - Sickening SICKENING Let me get the comedy out of the way before I get to what "Blackfish" is really about; Good God killer whales have giant wieners!  That's it folks, I'll be here all night. However, if you take away manually masturbating...

The Wolf Of Wall Street

DEBAUCHERY  I have previously joked about how I'd watch the trailer to Martin Scorsese's The Wolf Of Wall Street in the morning because visually it was like doing a line of cocaine.  Little did I know that the feature length film would be the best...

Friday, December 27, 2013

Forgotten Gems: 50/50

SEEDS 50/50 - Seeds Can a film about cancer be funny?  Normally, it's one of those topics that Hollywood tends to stay away from when it comes to comedy.  Sure, you have "Terms of Endearment" which is thought of as one of the best films in the last...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Simplistic Reviews Podcast: December Holiday Edition

'Tis the season to talk movies and TV...and Jolene Blalock's disappearance...and Lara Flynn Boyle?  I'm pretty sure that's not how the song goes. An oddly optimistic Justin Polizzi makes his triumphant return and unveils his latest...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Out Of The Furnace

PERFORMANCES Perhaps it is because I'm a black man born and raised in a city environment that the world of the country gangster interests me so much.  Their world is an entirely different world than the one I'm used to, and it's just a short ways up the...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Simply Foreign: Blue Is the Warmest Color

HONEST I had heard a lot about Blue Is The Warmest Color a few months back.  It made some history at the Cannes Film Festival by being the first to win the Palme d'Or for both lead actresses and director. (Palme d'Or is a very fancy French award in case...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Hobbit Countdown: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

BALLS The Fellowship of the Ring - Balls One of the biggest no-no's of pop culture is not messing up anything that beloved by a group of nerds.  And before I get nailed to a cross, I myself am a nerd and I use that as a term of extreme affection, I mean...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Early Returns: American Hustle

SILKY American Hustle - Silky The name David O. Russell can evoke a lot of emotions, especially if you talk to either George Clooney or Lily Tomlin.  The man has the special talent to bring both the best, and worst, out in people.  While there is...

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